Trinity Baptist Church has a wonderful facility and sanctuary. The sanctuary and the front exterior of the church building are particularly beautiful and most suitable for weddings. If you are interested in having your wedding at Trinity, we invite you to read the guidelines below and email our church office later if you agree with the policies. Below are our guidelines:
Trinity Baptist Church is part of the Canadian Baptists of Western Canada and adheres to the section on marriage in the Canadian Baptists of Western Canada's Identity Statement for all wedding ceremonies on church property and/or conducted by Trinity pastors. The Identity Statement can be found here.
If a Trinity Baptist Pastor is to officiate, we request a minimum of four months notice. Please also note that we do not accept any booking for the next year until September.
Day of Wedding: Weddings can only be conducted on selected Saturdays. Please check availability with the church office.
Marriage Preparation Classes: We believe marriage is a most exciting, joyful, and significant relationship. Marriage preparation classes provide an important foundation for your relationship. We expect prospective couples to commit to preparation classes. These may be provided by the Officiating Pastor, or by an approved outside counselling service.
The Wedding Rehearsal: usually takes place from 6 to 7 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the wedding. The sound system operator will be present at the rehearsal.
Time of Decoration & Wedding: Four consecutive hours are allotted for your wedding. This includes decorating, the wedding ceremony, pictures, and for removing wedding decorations. Unfortunately, decorations cannot be put in the sanctuary prior to the wedding date as the sanctuary often has to accommodate other events.
On the wedding day, we ask that the premises are vacated by 4:30 p.m the latest.
Please download file below.
We hope the above information will help to make your wedding day a joyful and memorable experience.
If you need any further information, please email the Church Office at
*Please note that the above information has been updated in January, 2025.