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At the end of our time in England we took the bus to Windsor, the location of the famous Windsor Castle. While walking about the town of Windsor, we entered a local church – the Parish Church of St. John the Baptist. The building was dedicated on June 22, 1822, but the first church building on this site dates back to about 1100 AD. The interior of the church building is stunning – typical of many Anglican (Church of England) churches in England.

Three details stood out. The first was the decorated altar at the head of the building. The second was an original painting of the Last Supper. This is not the famous painting by Leonardo Da Vinci, but a no-less stunning painting by the 16th-century German painter Franz de Cleyn. It captures the moment Jesus announces to his disciples, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19). The painting is hung high on the wall above the entrance to the sanctuary.

The third detail was a small table with a simple wooden cross on it. This table is positioned precisely at the centre between the “nave”, where the congregation sits, and the “bema”, the section reserved for the choir and altar.

Standing beside this small table and the wooden cross, with the altar in front and the picture of our Lord Jesus blessing the bread and the cup behind, reminded me that Christ and his Gospel surround me. We are “in Christ”, to use a phrase the Apostle Paul often repeats. This profound sense of Christ surrounding us is echoed in one of the passages we explore in our 40 Days of Prayer this week: Romans 8:38-39.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

What does this passage mean to you today? Perhaps you need to hear the confidence the Apostle Paul expresses in these words and echo them in your prayers. Perhaps you need to rest in the knowledge that Christ is with you, no matter the circumstances you face. Or maybe you need to cling to the cross, remembering how much Christ loves you and the cost he paid to redeem you. Today, Jesus wants you to know that you are secure in him and in his love because he holds you now and forever.

視頻大意翻譯(video Chinese translation):

一天傍晚,就在英格蘭之行快結束前,我們乘坐公共汽車前往溫莎,這裡是著名的溫莎城堡的所在地,是國王或王后的夏季住所。在溫莎散步時,我們進入了當地的一座教堂—聖約翰教區教堂。該建築於 1822 年 6 月 22 日落成,但該遺址上的第一座教堂建築可以追溯到西元 1100 年左右。教堂建築的內部令人驚歎—是英國許多聖公會教堂的典型特徵。


第二是《最後的晚餐》的原畫。這不是達文西的名畫,而是 16 世紀德國畫家法蘭茨·德·克萊恩 (Franz de Cleyn) 的畫作。這幅畫同樣令人驚歎。它捕捉到了耶穌向他的門徒宣佈的那一刻,“這是我的身體、為你們捨的.你們也應當如此行、為的是記念我。(路加福音 22:19)”有趣的是,正如你從這段影片中看到的,這幅畫被高高地掛在大堂入口上方的牆上。



因為我深信無論是死、是生、是天使、是掌權的、是有能的、是現在的事、是將來的事、是高處的、是低處的、是別的受造之物、都不能叫我們與 神的愛隔絕.這愛是在我們的主基督耶穌裏的。


Grace and peace

Pastor Callum