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Last week, I tested positive for COVID. Thankfully, my symptoms were very mild. Nevertheless, I spent most of last week in bed.

It’s easy to be bored staying in bed all day. Most of the time the only noise I heard was passing traffic and the only thing I saw out of the bedroom window was passing traffic. I was, however, able to read, memorize Scripture, send and receive emails, finish some administrative tasks, watch a couple of shows on my computer, and pray.

Psalm 149:1-5 say

Praise the Lord. Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of the faithful people. Let Israel rejoice in their Maker; let the people of Zion be glad in their King. Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with timbrel and harp. For the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory. Let his faithful people rejoice in this honour and sing for joy on their beds.

This psalm outlines praise as a way of life for the believer. We praise the Lord when we gather together – in the assembly of the faithful people; we praise the Lord with our bodies, with dancing; we praise the Lord with exuberant song, making music with the timbrel and harp; we even praise him singing for joy on our beds. It’s amazing to think that praise can be part of our lives no matter the time of day or where we are.

Perhaps it’s not your custom to sing a song of praise just before you go to bed each night. However, it could become a new custom. We don’t have to sing at the top of our voices – we could just whisper a song of praise. The point, as the author of this psalm understands, is for us to make praise a way of life, even at night. So, maybe tonight, as you lay in bed, open a hymn book or listen to a worship song on your phone, and sing a song of praise and joy to the Lord.

上週,我的 COVID 檢測呈陽性。值得慶幸的是我的症狀非常輕微,毫無疑問這是因為你們的禱告,也因為我已經完全接種了最新的疫苗。儘管如此,我上周大部分時間还是需要躺在床上休息。


詩篇 149:1-5 說


在這首詩篇中,我們深受鼓舞讚美主。事實上,這首詩篇概述了讚美已成為信徒的一種生活方式。所以,當忠于信仰的人们聚集在一起時我們讚美主——詩篇說;我們用肢體、舞蹈讚美主;我們用热情洋溢的歌聲讚美主,我們用手鼓和豎琴来伴樂;甚至在我們的床上也歡呼稱讚他。令人赞叹的是,無論我們身在何处,讚美都能成為我們生活的一部分。在我隔離的一周裡,我感謝 主!他教我讚美他。

或許每晚臨睡前唱一首讚美歌不是你的習俗,但也許它可能會成為你的一種新習慣。哦,我們不必很大聲地唱歌——我們可以低聲唱一首讚美之歌。但是,正如這首詩篇的作者所启示的那樣,关键在于是即使是在晚上我們也要讓讚美成為一種生活方式。因此也許今晚,當你躺在床上,并随身携带一本讀讚美詩書或打开手機上聽一首敬拜歌曲,那么就唱一首讚美和喜悦的歌献给 主吧。

Grace and peace

Pastor Callum