Trinity Baptist Church三一浸信教會
ESL Fall 2024 Class Schedule
1460 West 49th Ave., Vancouver

In-Person Classes 实体课程:*
     Levels班级类别: ABC最初级班, Beg. 初级班, Int. 中级班, Adv.高级班
     Tues. & Thurs., 10 am – 12 pm  每周二和每周四,上午10-12
     Start Date开学日: Sep. 10, 2024  2024年9月10日
     End Date结业日: Nov. 28, 2024  2024年11月28日

Online ESL Classes (Zoom):*                   网上在綫课堂(透过Zoom软件上课):*
High Intermediate 中级高班:
     Wednesdays & Fridays, 10 am–12 pm        每周三和每周五,上午10-12点
     Sep. 11 – Nov. 29, 2024                  2024年9月11日起至11月29日

Low Advanced 高级初班:
     Tuesdays & Thursdays, 10 am–12 pm        每周二和每周四,上午10-12点
     Sep. 10 – Nov. 28, 2023                  2024年9月10日起至11月28日

Registration 报名:
     Fri. & Sat., Sep. 6 & 7, 10 am– 12 pm in ESL office
     9月6日, 9月7日上午10点至12点在,  地点在英文班办公室(ESL office)
     or 30 minutes before the start of class  在课堂开始前的30分鈡之前亲自报名 (online classes only) (只有在綫课程可使用綫上报名)
     Note: WeChat users have problems viewing our website through WeChat’s web browser.  Please use the link directly in your web browser instead of WeChat’s browser.
     请注意  :微信用户透过微信的网络浏览器查看我们的网站,若出现问题,请到您的网络浏览器中直接点选链接,而不是在微信浏览器中点击。

Cost 学费:
      $50/term (+$28 textbook)         一期加幣$50元(外加课本费$28元)
      Cash, cheque or e-transfer only  只接受现金,支票以及电子转帐缴费
      [Must register before paying     缴费前必须先报名注册]

For more information, contact us at

* We are not an accredited ESL program. 我们的课程未经政府认证


The purpose of the ESL ministry is twofold: to teach English as a second language and to share our Christian faith.

Over the past three decades, this ministry has reached up to 250 students per semester and involved about 30 volunteer workers. Classes are divided into 3 levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced. The number of students in each class varies depending on enrollment. Classes are normally Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to noon. The first hour is mainly teaching English as a second language. The second hour of the class has been set aside for the gospel message.

Evangelistic efforts are also made through the ESL choir. Extra past ESL seminars have covered topics such as rules of pronunciation, building up your vocabularies, tips for conversation, and customs and manners of Canada.